Increasingly in the world today, people are doing what they can to be healthier, and to treat their bodies better. Though the pricey gym memberships and fad diets will probably never go out of style, there are other timeless ways that you can improve your health, some of which date back centuries. One of the best of these is the use of zeolite.
If you want to detoxify your body and work towards a healthier mind at the same time, read on to discover all you need to know about this impressive mineral…
What is zeolite?
Zeolite is a type of mineral, formed when volcanic lava interacts with water. Zeolites can take a while to form, in a process that takes thousands and even millions of years. They are an aluminosilicate material, containing particles of silicon, oxygen, and aluminium. There are many different types of zeolite, with over 40 occurring in nature.

They have been used over the last two centuries and more for a variety of purposes, coming to greater prominence in the late 1700s. This is when these minerals were named boiling stone in Greek, due to the steam released when zeolite is heated. As well as the naturally occurring zeolites in the world, the benefits of this mineral are so substantial that it is now being produced on an industrial scale.
Zeolites can be used to great effect in a whole host of fields. These include agriculture, where they can help to manage wastewater and remove odours, and in chemistry where they can speed up reactions. You will find zeolites being used in the home as well as in the health sector, where they work as cleaning products and also as water purifiers.
Though you can date these incredible minerals back hundreds of million years, today you can buy zeolite online from the best natural health stores, and start to experience the benefits for yourself.

What does zeolite do for the body?
The wide array of benefits that zeolite brings to your body is almost unbelievable. Unlike most pharmaceuticals that are made for one purpose, this naturally occurring substance can achieve all kinds of miracles. Some of the most important roles it can play and changes it can make to your body include:
- Detoxifying heavy metals from your body – zeolite can remove such dangerous metals as mercury and fluoride, radiation, and more with comparative ease to other remedies. It works to bind many of the harmful elements in your body, preventing them from causing more damage.
- Preventing excessive bleeding – zeolite-based products are used in the event of traumatic bleeding on the battlefield, and can also be used by vets and doctors in non-military situations as well.
- Increasing your gut health – zeolite has been shown to have a positive impact on your gut health in several ways. It tightens up your intestinal wall, preventing leakage from your gut into your bloodstream. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect, and has even been shown to repair some damage to the guts of various animals throughout a series of tests.
- Zeolite has a positive impact on the bacteria in your gut – as well as the other benefits to your stomach, Zeolite can also get rid of the bad bacteria in your gut without harming the good. It even helps the healthy bacteria to grow, while working as an anti-diarrhoea drug.
- It works to combat oxidative damage – whether you are a long-term smoker or have suffered other oxidative damage, zeolite could help you to recover. It can protect your organs from harm, boost your anti-oxidant enzymes, and can improve your health. Anti-oxidants are essential today, and zeolite could play a huge role in this.
- Restores energy – it can be just as important to replenish your energy in the right way as to attempt to be healthy in any other way. A relaxing massage is one way to feel better, yet there is not always a masseuse on hand when you need them. Zeolite can be taken anywhere, anytime as instructed to help you regain your energy.
As well as all of these benefits which have been tested and proven to some degree, there are many other potential benefits to taking zeolite that are believed to improve your health. Zeolites may well improve your cholesterol levels, help your dental health, benefit your skin, and even protect your liver.
Further study is needed to discover all of the wonderful things that zeolites can do. And yet it is already abundantly clear that there are already more than enough upsides to make buying zeolites worthwhile.

What effect does zeolite have on the brain?
One of the key benefits that zeolite provides for the brain is through its role as a detoxifier. Heavy metals can cause serious damage to the brain and can trigger mood swings, out-of-character behaviour, and more. Zeolite helps bind the heavy metals in your body before they can impact your mind. It has proven to be hugely efficacious in mice, and there are positive signs that this is true for humans as well.
Zeolite can certainly bring peace of mind, knowing that so many of your body’s needs are being taken care of and that your mind will benefit as well. A healthy body and a healthy mind go hand in hand, and by taking care of one you can help to take care of the other at the same time.
While there is still so much to discover about the benefits of this incredible substance, there is little doubt that when used correctly, it can provide wonderful results in both the mind and the body.
Final thoughts
While so many varied and fabulous wonder drugs have been manufactured by humans over the previous decades and centuries, there is a huge amount of value to be found in nature. Zeolites can work as detoxifies, help stop bleeding, settle the stomach, and have so many other benefits both known and, most likely, that we are yet to discover.
Ask your medical practitioner for information about this exceptional mineral, or give it a go responsibly yourself, and see what zeolite could do for your health.