We all have our vices. Idiosyncrasies we call our own. Village Idiot heralds Mr Michael Warner, 58, of Texas. Michael’s quirk was enemas.
Mr Warner can no longer partake in such frivolity, as he is now dead. He was killed from an enema administered by his wife. A sherry enema. Or, as it is referred to in the business, a shenema.
Brazoria County Court dropped charges against Mrs Tammy Jean Warner for negligent homicide in the May 2004 death of her husband, with the court citing a ‘lack of evidence’.
It appears Mr Warner had a throat ailment, leaving him unable to swallow alcohol. The next step was to find an alternate opening. Tammy Jean claimed that her husband was addicted to enemas, often using alcohol in his adventures.
Records show that Mr Warner inserted two bottles of sherry into her husband, raising his blood alcohol level to 0.47 percent, six times the level considered legally drunk in Texas. They are hard men in Texas.